Sunday, April 17, 2011

Know your weakness ... and make a plan

Last week I was on vacation.  As I stated in my last blog vacations have been one of my points of weakness in past years when it comes to being healthy.  So, in order to ensure this vacation had different results than previous ones I came up with a plan and worked my plan.

For any of us that have addictions or habits that have been habits for a long time we are trying to overcome accountability is a key.  So my plan for this week included accountability.  While I have a support team that I share details of my journey with I wanted a broader accountability for this trip.  So, I ran a contest on my facebook page asking my friends to guess how much weight I would lose while on vacation.  The winner of the contest gets dinner with me at a time we coordinate but it will also serve as a celebration of hitting one of my next milestones on this journey.  One dinner to accomplish two things.  Good plan.  And well worth it.

In addition to that I planned my food.  I new what I wanted to do for breakfast - see my vacation blog for the menu.  I also knew I wanted to stick with what was working so I bought the amount of food I needed to cover every meal.  One of my weaknesses is pizza - especially when on the road and I can have it delivered.  So, I made sure to get some weight watchers and Lean Cuisine pizzas so I still had one of my favorite foods - just at a lot less calories and sodium than in the past.

I'm only speculating on some things I've learned the last few months but my guess is that my vacation last fall I averaged 3000-4000 calories consumed per day and 4000+ mg of sodium.  No wonder I gain 10 pounds when on vacation.  This vacation I averaged 1100-1200 calories per day and close to the 2000 mg of sodium my doctor says I should be at.  That's success.

So, whatever addiction or habit you are trying to overcome.  Know your weakness.  Know what triggers you to make bad choices.  Avoid those situations.  Find a way around them.  Seek out accountability.  Be creative.  Make a plan and follow it.  If you need to change a pattern of life or a routine - do it. 

And my last thought for today that just came to me as I was writing.  Whatever you seek to hide or do in private that is a problem area - bring into the light.  It's not a new thought.  If your computer time is a problem and you hide in your office when using the computer - move the computer to the living room.  Going back to my pizza example.  It's okay for me to eat pizza occasionally.  When I eat pizza with people - I keep myself to one or two slices - a healthy amount.  When I eat pizza alone - I may eat the whole pizza.  Solution for me - only eat pizza when I'm with people.

Blessings on your journey.  May you find ways to acknowledge your weakness and overcome it - for your benefit and God's glory.

Less of me, more of Him.

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