Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preparing for success

Yesterday was a rough day.  You would think it wouldn't have been but it was.  It was my first day off in a few weeks.  Or at least first day off in a few weeks that I didn't work.  Because of some things I was processing in my head it was a day that in the past I would have eaten.  I likely would have eaten a lot.  Eating was my drug of choice.  Its what I used for comfort, pleasure, and to escape.  And yesterday I did eat - more than I often do.  Or at least I was doing some "snacking" as I went throughout the day instead of sticking strictly to my meal times (which include snack times).

However, at the end of the day I entered all the foods eaten throughout the day and I was at approximately 1700 calories.  A year ago it probably would have been 7000.  Yesterday's sodium content was higher than I like - almost 3000 mg for the day.  A year ago it would probably have been 10,000mg. 

So what's the difference?  I'm sure there are a number of factors but here are a few.  In the past 6 months of this journey I've grown.  I've grown in maturity, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  I've learned how the scales will respond if I have one of those 7,000 calorie and/or 10,000mg sodium days.  I'm learning how to handle my stress in healthier ways than before.  I'm growing in my ability to say no to immediate gratification for the rewards of delayed gratification - keeping the goal and big picture in front of me.  So, one factor is that I've grown.

Another factor is something that I laughed at when I saw it in both Weight Watchers and The Biggest Loser online Club.  Both of them said very early in the journey to clean out your refrigerator and cabinets and get rid of all the unhealthy foods and snacks.  I've done that.  I did that early.  And yesterday it paid off - because if the unhealthy snacks had been there, I would likely have eaten them.

A third factor is not something I planned initially - currently my car isn't running.  I didn't plan for my car to stop running but I have put off getting it fixed since it does force me to be more active - walking to work, etc.  Had it been running I may have gone for groceries yesterday (I could use a few but it's not a "need" yet) and that may have resulted in some junk food making it's way into the house.

Fourth - Having gone public with my journey I now know there are a lot of people out there watching me - some are cheering, supporting, and encouraging, some are receiving encouragement and inspiration, and some may just be watching - either to see me succeed or fail.  Regardless of the reason, I know many people are watching and that is built in accountability.  In addition to that I have a group of 5 people that asks me how I'm doing and keeps tabs on me. 

Fifth - success breeds success.  I woke up yesterday and got ready to weigh in.  I stepped on the scales 90.4 pounds lighter than I was on January 3.  And in the midst of the stress and the struggles going through my head I took a moment and said life is good.  I'm on my way even though I still have a long way to go.

So what made yesterday successful for me when in the past it would not have been?  It was the decisions made months ago to keep the food in my house healthy, to form a support team, to make my journey public so all can see, and choosing to be "inconvenienced" by a car that's not currently running.  It's also the realization of how far I've come and how far a junk food day would set me back.

So as you prepare for your next journey, whatever it is, I suggest you take some time to anticipate obstacles that may come and prepare for how to handle them or avoid them so they don't knock you off the path when you get to them.

Less of me.  More of Him.