100 Pound Challenge

I live and work at Spruce Lake Retreat.  We have just launched a capital campaign for a new Hospitality Center which will greatly enhance our ability to serve the guests we have and give us options to serve more.

I have issued a 100 lb challenge.  It works like this.  I have offered to use my weight loss journey as a fundraiser for Spruce Lake for the next year.  The challenge started on May 22, 2011 and will conclude on May 20, 2012. 

On May 22, I weighed in at 355.2 pounds.  This is the official starting weight for the contest.

Pledge forms can be requested by phone or web contact.  You can also simply submit your pledge amount by sending your name, address, phone, email, and pledge amount to my attention at Spruce Lake.

The way it works is that I am challenging myself to lose 100 pounds.  Pledges will be accepted per pound I lose.  If you pledge $5 per pound and I lose 100 pounds then your commitment will be $500.  If I lose more than 100 pounds participants will be invited but not expected to donate for the total pounds lost.  We are looking for (but have not found yet) a donor to match the pledged dollars up to 100 pounds so that every dollar pledged will be worth $2.

I'd love to get $1000 in pledges so that I could contribute $100,000 toward this capital campaign.

Please contact me if you have questions.

Less of me.  More of Him.
