Monday, April 16, 2012

Who would have thought?

I arrived in Birmingham, AL on Wednesday, April 11, 2012.  On Thursday, I made a couple calls about jobs and filled out some applications online.  On Friday I had two interviews and ended up with two job offers.  I turned down that I'm sure I would have made at least double the money but may not have been as happy at.  Today was my first day of work at the other location.

Fifteen months ago when I was weighing in at 430 pounds who would have had any thought that I'd be working at a gym.  But now, 166 pounds later, here I am.  Working to inspire others to want to be healthy and helping them make the decision to do so.  I'll also be working with businesses in the area to sell corporate memberships and promote wellness in their organizations.  There is a good chance, if I'm interested in pursuing it, that I'll also be able to be certified as a personal trainer and be able to take on clients.

Who would have thought?  Who would have thought I'd be able to shop at a normal clothing store?  Who would have thought I'd like the way I look?  Who would have thought I could be an inspiration to anyone?  Who would have thought I'd be free of medications?  Who would have thought?

The answer is simple.  God didn't just think this was possible - He knew it was.  And when I started listening and being obedient to Him in my lifestyle choices He made pounds fall off and my body start to take the shape it's supposed to be in. 

Less of me.  More of Him.