Friday, June 10, 2011

Undisciplined to Under Discipline

Summer is here and in my job that means longer days, more days, and busier days.  In the past with that kind of schedule it has been easy to skip meals and snack times.  I found myself even this last week sitting at my desk at 7pm feeling famished and realizing I hadn't eaten since breakfast. 

Early on in this journey I used a phrase that sticks with me and I'm learning to put it into practice more and more.  The phrase is Undisciplined to Under Discipline.  Most of my life I've lived in an undisciplined manner.  This can be seen in many areas of my life.  I was undisciplined in my finances, food choices, entertainment choices, and how I keep up my house, car and office.  So what does it mean to go from undisciplined to under discipline?  It might just mean I'm growing up.  At this point some of you may be thinking it's about time.  :)  And indeed you would be right.  It is.

So what's changing?  And how fast is it changing?  Over the last few years I've become much more disciplined in my finances and both my credit score and bank account reflect that.  Over the last number of years I've become more disciplined in my entertainment choices and my thinking reflects that.  Over the last few months I've become much more disciplined in my food choices and the scales reflects that.  I'm still working on these and other areas as well.  As the discipline increases, life does get better.  As the discipline increases, the tough times are easier to deal with.  As the discipline increases, temptations seem to be easier to resist.  And I believe there is a secret but it shouldn't be.  It should be broadcast to the rooftops so everyone can know.  And here it is.

It's not about becoming more disciplined.  I hear what many of you have said.  Way to go Eric.  You're doing so well.  You're making good choices.  You're taking charge.  You're changing your life.  Thank you - I appreciate those encouragements and while I believe all of those statements are true to a degree I want to share the Truth with you.

For me it's all about moving from undisciplined to under discipline.  I'm making good choices, taking charge and changing my life.  It's true, I am.  I admit that I have a problem with food and using food not as it's meant to be used.  It may even be an addiction.  I admit that I am powerless over this area of my life and am in need of a Higher Power to restore me to sanity.  I have changed my life and made some good choices recently, in this area of my life.  A choice to come under discipline.  I have turned my life over to Jesus Christ, my higher power, who created me to live an abundant life including being healthy and whole.  I am under His discipline.  I can't do it on my own. 

I'm making good choices and taking charge?  Yes I am.  I have submitted myself to a team of people and in that submission agreed to be under their discipline as needed.  I know I can't do it on my own.  I need to be under discipline - God's discipline as He directs me both personally and through a small group of people who have committed to being key components on this journey with me.  The changes in my life are all about moving from undisciplined to under discipline and yielding control instead of taking it.

Less of me.  More of Him.

- Eric