Monday, April 18, 2011

Do the work

Have you ever prayed for something hard?  I mean, something nearly impossible?  Or at least that you thought was impossible?  Have you wondered why God hasn't answered?  I mean if God really loved us he'd take care of that need, right?  He'd take away the problem we're faced with?  He'd miraculously change what needed changing so that all would be right with our life?

I've prayed that prayer.  I can't say how many times I cried myself to sleep or stood looking in a mirror ashamed of what I had become and crying out to God to fix it.  I was tired of being overweight, I was disgusted with how I looked, I was mad at myself when I wasn't able to do things that I should have been able to do.  And where was God?  Where was God in my moments of deepest anguish?  Why wasn't God listening?  Why wasn't he answering and giving me the "desires of my heart" as he was supposed to do?

Where was God?  He was standing with me.  Holding me sometimes.  Graciously helping me drift off to sleep to temporarily relieve my anguish.  Where was God?  Waiting.  Waiting for me to do my part.  Waiting for me to want the life change badly enough that I'd get off my butt and get to work.

In 1 Peter 1:6-7 Peter says that these "trials" which you have had to endure for a while and the grief you've suffered as a result have come so that your faith which is more valuable than gold, may be proved genuine and result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus is revealed.  Gold - the standard by which all currencies are measured - will perish even though refined by fire.  Our faith is more valuable than gold.  Our faith will also be refined.  Our faith will draw us closer to Jesus as the fire burns away the imperfections and flaws.

Where was my miracle?  Why didn't God help me lose weight?  I wasn't looking for God to help me - I was only looking for God to do it.  When I started acting like I wanted God to help me, he has.  Where is the miracle?  The miracle is that God created my body to be healthy and in a few short months the damage I caused is being changed because of the work God and I are doing together on the body and the systems that God designed to respond well to healthy choices?

Where is the miracle?  The miracle is in the week that mathematically I should have lost 7 pounds I lost 11.  Where is God?  He's walking beside me every day as I walk the exterior circle drive at Spruce Lake.  He's spotting me as I lift weights in the gym.  He's granting me rest.  He created my body to respond to exercise.  He has surrounded me with people to run the race with me.  Where is God?  Pacing me every step so I finish well.  Where is God?  Holding the finish line each day as I achieve a new milestone.  Where is God?  Cheering and encouraging as I run.

God's grace has always been free.  God's gift of salvation requires only our acceptance of the gift.  God desires more for us than we can possible imagine.  Like any father He wants to give us the best of everything.  Like any good father he knows that some of those blessings take work.  He doesn't spoil us but wants us to experience the joy of working with him and drawing close to him.  He shows us areas of our life that need cleaning and with a smile on his face he holds out the broom and waits.

So where was God in my years of anguish?  Waiting with his running shoes on and a smile on his face holding out the baton to me.  I finally saw clearly to grab the baton and make a clean exchange.  It's a joy to be running this race to freedom with God who daily is there to encourage, support, cheer, and sometimes, as all good coaches do, even kick my butt.

So that all glory may be given to Him - the creator of all things and the creator of me when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Less of me - more of Him.

1 comment:

  1. I love that we participate WITH GOD in the great work He is doing in the world... and in us. Of course, I sometimes wish it were less painful or less difficult. But it is so beautiful. It is a beautiful work. Thanks for sharing your journey, man.
