Monday, July 18, 2011

Lifestyle change 2

This evening as I prepared to walk home from work I got a call and ended up having to do some extra things at work.  In the meantime it rained a little and thundered a bit.  Decision time - drive or walk home.

I had also gotten a package delivered today.  Some cereal I ordered.  It wasn't real big or that heavy.  In the past both of those would have been excuses to drive.  Today, I put my walking stick and water bottle in one hand, put the package under the other arm and took off for home.  I beat the rain but was drenched in sweat so I'm not sure it really mattered.  :)

Tomorrow I'm taking a musician we had in this weekend to the airport.  Tomorrow is my day off.  I could have arranged for someone else to take him and in the past may have done so.  But by not making those arrangements I will walk in to work, drive him to the airport, return the van and walk home.  So, while I am "working" on my day off I did just force myself to walk 1.5 miles in the process and that's more than I normally do on my day off.  The side benefit is I get to spend an hour with one of the Icons of Christian Music.

I find myself in the store naturally looking at the calories and nutrient facts on everything I pick up.  I used to just not care.  It does take longer to shop now - I don't just take the first thing I come to.  Compare, look for the best deal - and the price isn't what I'm looking at.  So much so that this week I spent more on groceries than I may have ever spent.  I also got more than usual but in the past I may have gone for lower price and not chosen based on nutrition facts.

Just a few more changes in my lifestyle and thinking that have gotten me this far and will take me further on my journey.

Less of me.  More of Him.
