Friday, April 22, 2011

In my former life

Many times growth is seen by others before ourselves.  And often, it's recognized first by those around us everyday because it's been a gradual happening so those closest to us don't see it as quickly as someone at a distance that when they do see us, see a dramatic change.  I think this is true physically but is also true spiritually. 

My brother, Doug, pointed something out to me this week from a post to my support team for my journey.  I received a fairly negative comment on an evaluation this week and all evaluations get sent out to all the leadership and department heads where I work.  Negativity towards me has always been one of my triggers to send me into an eating binge.

After seeing the comment I finished up some work, went home, had a "normal" supper and went about my evening activities.  The only time I thought about pizza and chips or other junk food (Not saying pizza and chips can't be done in a healthy balanced way - that just wasn't my style) was when I thought, "wow - in the past I would have ended up eating 4-5 slices of pizza, an entire bag of chips, and probably some other junk food tonight."  There was no thought to do that going on in my head.  No battle to fight on that night anyway.

So I look back on the journey and see that more has happened than losing 60 pounds so far.  I am becoming a new and healthier man - physically and emotionally.

"If anyone is in Christ there is a new creation.  The old has gone, the new has come." - 2Corinthians 5:17

May this be a daily reality for all of us.  Today I place myself in Christ's hands to hold and to guide.  In doing so I become new again - closer to Him and healthier than yesterday. 

Less of me.  More of Him.


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