Thursday, June 2, 2011


This past winter when I started on my journey I started looking at labels more closely, primarily the nutritional information.  Because of that I switched to using Ketchup (15-20 calories/tbsp) instead of mayo (90-100 calories/tbsp).  I know - mustard is the best option nutritionally but I just can't get myself to eat it yet.  :)  Times where I have ordered mayo it's in very minimal amounts and is usually at a Subway or sandwich shop.  I haven't purchased any since starting this journey.

One thing I didn't read on the mayo bottle that I had was the little part on the back corner that said, "Do not freeze."  I know, you're wondering who in their right mind freezes mayo.  I don't know.  And I didn't do it on purpose.  I was bringing some things in from the car last winder and not able to get everything so I left a bag of things in the car including a bottle of mayonnaise.  I figured it would be all right for a while since it was cold so I wasn't worried about it.  Well, it was really cold.  When I missed it, I went out to get it and brought it in.  Here is what I found:
I let it warm up in the house for a while and then shook it with everything I had to get it to go back together but it wouldn't.  Then I started looking at it and thinking about what I had been eating.  The "spread" part was the little portion at the bottom and all the rest was oil.  Unfortunately, not a good oil either.  I was glad I was already deciding to not eat mayo but here was another reason.  I realize a different brand may be better, use a better oil, etc but the thought of putting this in my system was not something I wanted and has reinforced for my the value of my decision to stop eating this product in favor of some healthier options.

So today's info - not so spiritual but potentially eye opening.

Less of me.  More of Him.


  1. What about the light miracle whip? I will need to look at those ingredients next time that I go to the store.

  2. I'm not sure Loretta. Regular mayo from other companies than the one I bought from may be better too - this was one brand of regular mayo. Check the ingredients both for nutritional values and the type of oil used. I do know of one person that makes her own Mayonnaise but am not sure what she puts in it.
