Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pressure and rest.

If you are a student of weight loss and/or watch The Biggest Loser with any regularity you've probably seen comments and discussion on how stress and rest affect weight loss.

This week I've struggled because I felt like maybe I was plateauing a bit.  Calories and activity level were good but the scales didn't show what I wanted it to.

This weekend was fairly active but I still didn't see any movement on the scales.  Generally the lowest weight of the day is seen in the morning.  The weekend was the first event we'd run in a while and we don't have our summer staff in yet so it makes the hours longer and for me the stress higher.  My quality of sleep was pretty decent but the quantity wasn't great.

This afternoon I came home, took a three hour nap, woke up refreshed and less stressed because of the event being over.

The results?  The event went fairly well and the numbers were lower this evening than this morning. 

So I can see that it appears to be true for me.  Well rested and free of pressure and stress and the numbers on the scale go down.  So then the question is, how do I live intentionally in a way that creates that type of atmosphere all the time?  Today's post is simply a question.  I'm hoping answers show up in posts to come.

So for today, a reminder I'm still on the journey.  Here's to stress free restful days and rolling back numbers as we go along.

Less of me.  More of Him.

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