Sunday, April 24, 2011

And then came today.

"Comforted by the warmth of the fire and the familiar company and a presence they all feel but can't quite explain they wait out the night mostly in silent reflection on their own thoughts.  Where do we go from here?  What happens now?  Some may even drift off to a troubled sleep.  Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow..."

As the darkness begins to fade, those who were awake all night slowly pull themselves out of their own thoughts and look to the group.  The fire is built back up.  Several people scrounge for breakfast.  Those who were sleeping are starting to come out of their troubled sleep.  The line between sleep and awake not yet clearly crossed.

And then the footsteps.  Some one running towards them.  Some one shouting.  The disciples look at each other, unsure what to do.  Should they hide?  Should they run?  But at this point, tired and on the verge of despair, they gather around the fire and wait.  And then she comes.

Mary Magdalene.  Running.  Yelling.  Frantically trying to communicate while gasping for air.  As she gets her breath the story unfolds.  Tomb.  Anointing.  Empty grave.  Body gone.  Angels.  Alive?  I saw him.  He called my name.

And Peter and John are racing towards the tomb.  It couldn't be.  She's gone crazy from the shock of his death.  And there it is.  The stone rolled away.  The grave is empty.  A glimpse of hope.  Looking for a logical explanation.

Peter and John.  Do you remember...?  He said...  I thought...  Could he have meant?   What would it mean?  We saw him raise others from the dead.  Yeah, but I...  Is it possible?

"He is Risen, He's Alive.
No grave could keep Him down.
He is Risen, He's alive.
He's no longer in the ground.
Don't you remember what He told you,
The Son of Man must die.
And in three days He'll rise again
He is Risen, He's Alive.

- From the song, "He's Alive" by Eric Horst.  Copyright, 2000
Less of me.  More of Him.

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