Monday, May 23, 2011

Little things matter

It's been a few days and a few pounds since I've written.  This past weekend I had two 12,000 plus step days in a row.  I'm excited to get that kind of activity in and see the results.  I was also excited to have a "slow" day today to recuperate.

One thing I am noticing - even with the big dreams and goals still out there in front of me.  It's the little things and little differences I can see on a daily basis that are the most important in keeping me going.  You may notice a couple of things from my goal list from a couple posts ago - Why. 

I sit in my car and the steering wheel doesn't touch my stomach anymore.  Not only does it not touch but as I'm sitting there I'm thinking it's getting harder to see the bottom of the dash lights and I should probably lower the steering wheel a notch.  Little things matter.

I get in a mini van at work and the steering wheel no longer hits my stomach and I see a difference.  I get in a week later and it's very tight and I can't believe it.  Then I realize the seat is forward a notch.  Three months ago I would never have gotten in with the seat in that position.  Little things matter.

I see a piece of trash on the ground.  I lean over and pick it up without thinking and then I realize how easy it was to reach my hand to the ground and how long it's been that it wasn't that easy.  Little things matter.

I sit on a two person couch and don't worry about whether or not someone will sit beside me because I'm afraid I take up too much space.  I put on a shirt or a pair of pants and have to choose again because it doesn't fit - but this time it's too big instead of too small.  Little things matter. 

Every additional step and additional pound I hear someone else say way to go.  You can do it.  I'm proud of you.  Keep it up.  Little things matter

I see a long road stretched out in front of me but it's not as long as it used to be.  I look behind and see a road fading into the shadows and out of sight.  I'm not where I used to be.  And because of the little things that have kept me going and keep me going on a daily basis I can see farther, dream more, and step out faster and with more confidence knowing that I can complete the journey, one little step at a time.

Less of me.  More of Him.


  1. I love these blogs. They are encouraging me. I struggle with compulsive overeating and have for many years. I like hearing about your successes.

  2. You make me feel like there might just be hope for humanity.

  3. are amazing. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments.

  4. Good post. It is the little things done every day that make the most in life. I now walk my dog, do sprints, and lift weights every day, except Sunday, because of you.
