Saturday, May 19, 2012

Returning "home"

I'm back at Spruce Lake Retreat in Canadensis, PA.  This is where my journey of lifestyle changes started and I'm back to finish a portion of that journey.  One year ago I issued a challenge that I would lose an additional 100 pounds by May 20, 2012.  Additionally I invited and challenged people to pledge money towards Spruce Lake's building project for every pound I lose during the year.  I'm back to weigh in tomorrow to see how much I lost and how much money will go to the new building.  I'm also going to be sharing a bit of what I have and am learning along the way.  I'm not going to cheat and give you the numbers now - plus I'm still anticipating two strong workouts before that weigh in so hoping it drops a bit more.

Here's a teaser for tomorrow's presentation: What's the difference between magic and a miracle?  What are you hoping for in your life and are you praying for and looking for a miracle or simply the miraculous?  If you want to hear the remainder of these thoughts you'll need to make your way to Spruce Lake Retreat tomorrow by 6pm. Or you can get them from the sermon archives at Grace & Truth in Birmingham, AL.  Thanks to Steve Longenecker for prompting these thoughts.

Less of me.  More of Him.

- Eric

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