Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Starting Over

In many ways I feel like I'm starting over.  I am moving 1000 miles away from where I've spent the majority of my adult life and a part of the country that has been my home.  I will be looking for work, a home, a gym, a church, a doctor, insurance, etc, etc.  I know this move will bring stress with it and in the past stress has been one of the primary things that has driven me to eat.  I know the next month as I leave what I know for what I don't that I'll have to watch myself very carefully and the reality is I'm probably going to struggle.

There are some other ways I'm starting over as well.  I believe I'm healthier than I've been (at least I weigh less) for 18 years.  I'm getting in better shape a little at a time.  Most of the time I'm making good choices when it comes to food and activity level.  It used to be most of my choices were bad - it's how I ended up where I was.

The last 4 months have kind of been a roller coaster ride - although a small one.  By small I mean the highs and lows have not been terribly far apart but there was a lot of up and down within a fifteen pound range.  I think that is now getting fixed and the numbers starting to drop below where I've been stuck at.  I hope the next 30 days stay on track even if the weight loss is slow right now - I'm just hoping for consistent. 

As I move to a new city and "start over" I am also starting a new venture - well, not completely new but with a renewed focus and passion.  I'm working to build a speaking business that will both support me but also enable me to share my story in churches, schools, camps, and corporate settings so I can encourage others who may be struggling with similar issues.  My website can be found at http://www.cry4freedom.org/.

So while one chapter of my journey is quickly coming to a close I am both scared and excited about the new adventures I'm facing and I'm looking forward to continuing to learn who God created me to be and to see how my journey of life can impact people and help them become exactly who God wants them to be as well.

Less of me.  More of Him.

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