Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It's been a few weeks since I've written.  There are multiple reasons but one is that it's been a few weeks since I've felt good about my decisions on this journey I'm on.  Not all of my decisions have been bad the last 3-4 weeks but it seems there may have been more bad than good.  Or at least the bad were really bad.  The short story: calorie counts and sodium counts were high while exercise was mediocre at best - with a couple of really good days and a couple sedentary days.

There were some definite positives:
  • Spent some time with family
  • Had some away time to think and reflect
  • Finished my second 5k a couple minutes faster than the first one
Yesterday morning in our staff prayer time I heard a few things as I listened to what God may want to share with me.  The primary thing I heard that I think applies to how I spent my last few weeks is this:

"You are still striving on your own too much - trying to handle stress, loneliness, anger, and disappointment by yourself.  Let Jesus have that stuff.  He can handle it.  It's why I gave Him to you."

Thanks God.  What an awesome present offered to each of us.  May we remember during this time of celebrating that gift.

Less of me.  More of Him.

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