Thursday, May 12, 2011


I've had a nagging thought since late yesterday afternoon.  I think it was initiated in my birthday reflections of the past week.  Yes, I turned over another year.  Physically, I'm probably younger than a year ago because I'm healthier but that's a different entry.  Often around my birthday my thoughts turn to what I've done or accomplished in life, what I've gained, what I have, etc. in a seeming attempt to measure if my life has indeed been worthwhile.

The thought that has been nagging me is what does it mean to be content?  The apostle Paul says he learned to be content in any and all situations.  I've wondered how he did that at various times in my life. 

What hit me yesterday was that if I am truly content in my relationship with God than that is enough.  If I am content with my relationship with God than my financial status doesn't matter. (I believe debt free is God's plan but if I'm not it doesn't affect who I am if I'm content in my relationship with God.)  If I'm content in my relationship with God then my amount of influence, fame, recognition, and power do not determine who I am.

And if I'm still seeking after financial stability, fame, power, etc in order to define who I am, am I truly surrendered to God?  If I'm measuring my success or how worthwhile my life has been based on the world's standards, am I completely surrendered to God?

When I am surrendered to God I am content.  I'm not content because of my status or what is currently happening in my life.  I am content because I am His child and I am deeply and unconditionally loved by my "Abba Father."

Less of me.  More of Him.

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