Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An introduction

Where to start?  Today I'll just introduce the journey and the reason for this blog.  Some of the background things that led to the journey will come in subsequent posts as I continue on the journey.  I also recognize that I've already made some important steps so am starting the blog potentially a little late in the process but there is time to catch up.

When asked about the greatest commandment Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love God with everything you have and the second greatest commandment is like it - love your neighbor as yourself.  I think I've done a good job keeping the first commandment.  For 20 years I've also worked hard at loving others but in that time I've spent very little time loving myself.  As a result, I haven't taken care of myself, I've gained weight and become unhealthy and when I'm truly honest with myself - unhappy.  Not all the time - but generally I'd at least say I've been disappointed with how far I'd let myself go.

So, I'm now on a journey to correct that - to take back my life - to love myself by putting myself first so that I can help others.  In the movie, The Guardian, one of the instructions to the coast guard rescue swimmer class was to save themselves first so they could save others.  That's the journey I'm on - saving my life so that I can be more involved in saving others and be around longer so God can use me to save more.

Every journey begins with a single step.  So far I've taken a lot of steps and have a lot more to take.  Since the beginning of 2011 I've lost 50 lbs and feel better than I have in a few years.  I know I still have a long ways to go but having achieved this much in 14 weeks I'm now believing that the goal is possible.  Right now I'm ahead of schedule but my goal is to hit my target in May of 2013. 

I believe that as a result of this journey I will have a spiritual awakening as well and I look forward to all that God will teach me and to how He will use me during this time and after I have hit these objectives.  It is, after all, about Him and for His glory. 

I invite you to join me on this journey by following my blog or on facebook or twitter.  (Twitter updates still coming.)  Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement. 

Less of me, more of Him.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for being so authentic and vulnerable, dear friend. I count it a privilege to be an observer and prayer partner with you.
